This very delicious veal dish couldn’t be easier to cook, yet it’s wholesome and satisfying—perfect to prepare for family or guests. In this recipe I tried to have herbs and spices carry the dish, instead of a whole lot of ingredients. Okra and tomatoes work really well together, and in my part of the country are used in many different recipes. By the way, we know bone marrow isn’t good for us, but sometimes we just don’t care and eat it anyway! I like plenty of hot white rice and buttered corn bread with this.
Cookbooks: Chef Paul Prudhomme's Kitchen Expedition
Yucca Chips
Great with cold drinks or light meals, these crisp and spicy chips will probably disappear fast. If you do have any left over, they will stay fresh for several days in an airtight container – a plastic zipper bag works well – at room temperature.
Deep-Fried Sweet Potato Chips
These chips are wonderful when they are just cooked, so serve them right away! And don’t be misled by the name – they’re just as great as a side dish served as you would serve sweet potatoes prepared any other way, as they are as a snack.